Razer Kitsune – All-Button Optical Arcade Controller for PS5 and PC (Precise Quad Movement Button Layout, Razer Low-profile Linear Optical Switches, Slim, Portable Form Factor) Black

Price: £289.85
(as of Sep 17,2024 03:57:17 UTC – ECOLOGO certified products have reduced environmental impacts at one or more stages of their lifecycle – from raw materials to end of life. ECOLOGO certification indicates that a product has met environmental performance standards, which include criteria in some or all of the following categories: materials, energy, manufacturing and operations, health and environment, product performance and use and product stewardship and innovation. Products are evaluated on the applicable criteria through testing and auditing.
Learn more about this certification
Precise Quad Movement Button Layout for superior control and optimal execution;By replacing a joystick with 4 movement buttons, enjoy clean, crisp play without the input errors of typical fight sticks—from instantly buffering a charge to flawlessly performing complex motions
Razer Low-profile Linear Optical Switches for ultra-precise, ultra-responsive inputs;Featuring a shorter actuation height for greater response, the Razer Kitsune’s smooth, lightning-fast switches provide the speed and precision you need to maximize your footsies and whiff punishes
Slim, Portable Form Factor for easy storage and setup;The Razer Kitsune’s leverless design can be easily stored in your backpack, while its detachable USB Type C cable removes the need for constant coiling or uncoiling when packing or setting up
Cable Security Clasp and Tournament Lock Switch for uninterrupted tournament play; with a built-in lock to fasten the cable and a lock switch that disables non-essential buttons, secure your win in the heat of competition by eliminating accidental inputs and disconnections
Removable Aluminium Top Plate to fit your style;from stunning Razer Customs vinyl wraps to creating your own via our downloadable template, simply unscrew the top plate and apply your desired design
Powered by Razer Chroma RGB for extra fighting flair;With multiple color combinations and a suite of effects, customize the Razer Kitsune’s lighting to match your fighting style using a series of pre-loaded shortcuts

Customers say

Customers like the build quality, functionality, and aesthetics of the video game controller. They mention it’s an excellent piece of kit and the aesthetics are great. However, some customers have reported that the controller gets fingerprints.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Reviewer: OMsd
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: SF6 Leverless
Review: Already own a Daija PS5 stick, which is excellent. Wanted to try leverless but options were very limited. Went for the Razer Kitsune as it was PS5 certified, works with PC (SF6 on PC) & has RGB which you can turn off easily on controller itself. £300 when I bought it. Expensive for what it is, we have limited options in UK. Once it arrived, took 2 days before deciding its a keeper. The USB latch is really good. Build wise it’s solid but super low profile. Buttons are far more quieter than sanwa buttons, which is a good thing for me. Hand placement. Need to get use to it. The thing that convinced me. SF6 PC Ryu. I can do jump in 4 hit combos ending with LP-DP. Crouching DP is hold down, tap Fwd x2 on 2nd press hit any punch. Still learning the controller. I think you do need learn some shortcuts at the start. DP into CA from crouching, also noticed I press some buttons fast & others had to slow my input down. Still double tapping though. Controller wise Kitsune. Excellent option. Happy with purchase but still £300 is steep & I am happy with it. It does get fingerprints but easily wiped away with a tissue or cloth, it’s not stuck greasy, just visible, don’t need to rub it, just wipe & it’s good.

Reviewer: Amazon Customer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Amazing design
Review: Amazing design, it won’t help you jump from Rookie to Master but it definitely helps you improve your input.

Reviewer: John
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Very Awesome
Review: slick, and truly helped me improve my game, would really recommend, thanks Razer

Reviewer: Olajide A.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great!
Review: Solid build, yet very lightweight.Feels great to the touch, buttons are amazing.Does easily keep fingerprints but nothing a quick wipe can’t fix.

Reviewer: jd
Rating: 1.0 out of 5 stars
Title: £299.99 Four months later and…
Review: £299.99 for 12 buttons but after 4 months i have had the far left side button stick!I know it doesn’t sound like much but this makes it unusable.The warranty is nothing but hassle, a full hour to even know where to send my first email.BUY THE CHEAPER GAMEPADS AT LEAST THEY LAST 6 MONTHS…

Reviewer: Sam
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Amazing first leverless
Review: This is my first leverless arcade pad and I am loving it. It’s very comfortable for use, I’ve been using it for about a week now and had no wrist pains whatsoever. It does have an aluminium cover on it which does mean it’ll leave fingerprints and hand smudges which is something that I know will affect some people. The only issue I have is the use of the optical switches that Razer is so fond of. For example if your finger brushes across a button, it will register the input even if you don’t push it down all the way. In games like Tekken where some moves such as Paul’s Demolition Man or Kazuya’s EWGF require frame perfect inputs, this can make it tricky. It’s possible, but you’ll need to practice a lot more compared to controllers with mechanical switches.There’s also the issue of the Kitsune not having SOCD which they did to make the controller Street Fighter 6 tournament legal. This may also be a dealbreaker for a lot of people however Razer has stated that they’re working on a firmware update to enable it.

Reviewer: Andrew
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Long time fight game fan
Review: Ive used multiple controllers and fightsticks over the years and Hitbox style controllers have been on my radar for a long time but this was the first one ive purchased. I have been looking around for a while as there are alot of options on the market but I’m really pleased with my purchase. Excellent build quality and feel, extremely responsive buttons and although it’s going to take a while to adjust completely it’s an excellent piece of kit.

Reviewer: Joe-Lennon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Bought two
Review: The kitsune is so unique, compact and responsive that I’ve bought another as the first was a birthday gift that I couldn’t live without

Reviewer: Roberto
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Ho avuto il piacere di utilizzare personalmente il Razer Hitbox per un periodo prolungato, e posso confermare che è il dispositivo definitivo per i fan dei giochi picchiaduro. Razer, famosa per la qualità dei suoi prodotti gaming, ha superato sé stessa con questo controller progettato specificamente per fornire un vantaggio competitivo nei giochi di combattimento.Design e Costruzione: Il Razer Hitbox si distingue immediatamente per il suo design ergonomico e minimalista. La sua forma compatta e i pulsanti meccanici sono progettati per resistere a sessioni di gioco estremamente intense. La costruzione solida e i materiali di alta qualità trasmettono una sensazione di robustezza e durabilità.Prestazioni e Precisione: Quello che realmente conta è la precisione e la risposta immediata dei comandi, e il Razer Hitbox non delude. I pulsanti a basso profilo offrono una sensibilità tattile impeccabile, garantendo che ogni input sia eseguito con precisione millimetrica. Questo è cruciale nei giochi come Street Fighter V, Tekken 8 e Dragon Ball FighterZ, dove ogni frame conta.Personalizzazione e Compatibilità: Razer ha incluso la possibilità di personalizzare i layout dei pulsanti per adattarsi alle preferenze individuali dei giocatori. Questa flessibilità consente di ottimizzare il setup per diversi stili di gioco e personaggi. Inoltre, la compatibilità con le principali piattaforme gaming assicura che il Razer Hitbox possa essere utilizzato su PC e console, rendendolo una scelta versatile per tutti i tipi di giocatori.Conclusione: Il Razer Hitbox è molto più di un semplice controller; è uno strumento che eleva le prestazioni e la competitività nei giochi picchiaduro. La sua qualità costruttiva, la precisione dei comandi e la facilità di personalizzazione lo rendono un investimento indispensabile per chi vuole raggiungere il massimo livello di abilità nel gaming competitivo.Se sei un appassionato di picchiaduro e cerchi un vantaggio competitivo che faccia davvero la differenza, il Razer Hitbox è la scelta che farà breccia nel tuo cuore da videogiocatore.

Reviewer: Stinkie
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Es ist mein zweiter Controller dieser Art und bisher bin ich vollends zufrieden. Zvor hatte ich einen Fightbox Arcade B1 DIY und fand den eigentlich ganz gut. Mit dem Razer Kitsune hat sich meine Meinung stark geändert. Der (die / das) Kitsune fühlt sich viel besser und vor allem hochwertiger an. Die Tasten drücken sich weitaus geschmeidiger, sehr präzise und das haptische Feedback ist ausgezeichnet. Es liegt locker auf dem Schoß und ist im Vergleich auch nicht so schwer.Das Kabel ist lang genug und qualitativ einwandfrei. Die Lichter sind mir ehrlich gesagt egal, da ich beim Spielen eh auf den Monitor starre. Das Mousepad ist wahrscheinlich nur für PS5-Spieler relevant. Für Tekken 8 kann ich den Controller nur empfehlen.

Reviewer: F. K.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Amazing product. I’m no pro, this is my first lever-less, but I’ve gotten used to it a lot quicker then I though and this controller delivers! Feels like a quality product and works very well.10/10 would buy again.only gripe is: would be cool if there was some sort of plexiglass available to be able to put custom artwork in. But this is not a deal breaker. Product is flawless otherwise, looks smooth as hell anyway.

Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: J’ai étudié toutes les reviews avant mon achat, donc je connaissais d’avance un peu le produit. Avant de le découvrir je pensais prendre un snackbox micro que j’ai pu toucher pendant viennality 2023, mais c’était trop étroit pour l’avoir sur les genoux et le gars m’a dit qu’il y avait une version XL sauf que je ne peuvais pas l’avoir avant décembre, d’où Razer.Je pouvais lavoir bien plus rapidement sur Amazon que sur le site officiel.Très léger, fin, et assez large pour pourvoir le mettre sur mes grosses jambes, avec une couche anti dérapante.L’aluminium a l’air très costaud, les boutons sont bien moins bien bruyants que les touches mécaniques ou sanwa, si on glisse le doit sur plusieurs boutons il ne sacroche pas.En tenant les dois sur les touches, ils ne s’appuient pas accidentellement, mais sont très réactives en cas d’appui.La lumière autour est simpa et largement suffisante, je n’ai pas besoin plus.L’option de bloquer les boutons et le câbles sont de bienvenue, le bout qui bloque le câble a l’air un peu cheap mais il est en aluminium et pas en plastique, donc ça va.Seul bémol, il ne prend pas de poussière mais prend très rapidement des traces de doit.Livraison accéléré par Amazon a été repoussé 3 fois le dernièr jour promis et finalement en les appelant à 22h quand il m’a repoussé , ils m’ont dit qu’il y avait un problème météo alors qu’il y avait du soleil, et ils m’ont remboursé , heureusement,un dépôt amazon est a côté de chez moi et j’ai pu intercepter le livreur des le matin )Bref, je suis très content de mon achat même si c’est un peu cher (après c’est la marque, licence officielle ps5, gros distributeur), c’est un investissement sur du long terme, car je n’ai marre de ces manettes qui tiennent pas longtemps et me font des sauts accidentels ou super de marissa au lieu de avant bas avant car en marchant vers l’arrière on passe par le bas pour faire avant.Ici j’ai pris 1h pour récupérer 90% de mon skill et je ne rate presque jamais et même quand je rate un truc c’est clairement parce que j’ai appuyé une touche de coup avant d’avoir valider toutes les directions.Je recommande ce produit si vous voulez vous amuser avec un produit lux sur du long terme.En attente d’un skin pour Marissa.

Reviewer: Abel
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: He estado durante mucho tiempo mirando varios controladores arcade y me decante por el modelo Razer Kitsune por su tamaño y ligereza.El tamaño es óptimo para poner las dos manos cómodamente. El diámetro de los botones perfecto para pulsar sin equivocarse, con un poco de práctica para los novatos. Silenciosos y de corto preciso recorrido. Es increíble.Lo único malo es la dureza del trackpad, que prácticamente no se utiliza y la tapa trasera donde se introduce el cable usb, se ve algo débil.En su conjunto, el control Kitsune, es fino y ligero. Se puede poner sobre las piernas y jugar perfectamente, estén estiradas o dobladas.Sin es tu primer arcade de botones únicamente, este no te decepcionará. 100% recomendable.

ECOLOGO certified products have reduced environmental impacts at one or more stages of their lifecycle – from raw materials to end of life. ECOLOGO certification indicates that a product has met environmental performance standards, which include criteria in some or all of the following categories: materials, energy, manufacturing and operations, health and environment, product performance and use and product stewardship and innovation. Products are evaluated on the applicable criteria through testing and auditing.
Learn more about this certification
Precise Quad Movement Button Layout for superior control and optimal execution;By replacing a joystick with 4 movement buttons, enjoy clean, crisp play without the input errors of typical fight sticks—from instantly buffering a charge to flawlessly performing complex motions
Razer Low-profile Linear Optical Switches for ultra-precise, ultra-responsive inputs;Featuring a shorter actuation height for greater response, the Razer Kitsune’s smooth, lightning-fast switches provide the speed and precision you need to maximize your footsies and whiff punishes
Slim, Portable Form Factor for easy storage and setup;The Razer Kitsune’s leverless design can be easily stored in your backpack, while its detachable USB Type C cable removes the need for constant coiling or uncoiling when packing or setting up
Cable Security Clasp and Tournament Lock Switch for uninterrupted tournament play; with a built-in lock to fasten the cable and a lock switch that disables non-essential buttons, secure your win in the heat of competition by eliminating accidental inputs and disconnections
Removable Aluminium Top Plate to fit your style;from stunning Razer Customs vinyl wraps to creating your own via our downloadable template, simply unscrew the top plate and apply your desired design
Powered by Razer Chroma RGB for extra fighting flair;With multiple color combinations and a suite of effects, customize the Razer Kitsune’s lighting to match your fighting style using a series of pre-loaded shortcuts