owootecc Butane Soldering Iron Gas Cordless Gas Soldering, Self-igniting Adjustable Flame up to 1300°C Soldering Iron Set with 6 Interchangeable Tips and Tin Wire, Multifucional for Pyrography Welding

51YISOUnIHL. AC SL1000 61Bt+zhTWPL. AC SL1000 61AmdJzpVGL. AC SL1000 71dd40 Ru L. AC SL1000 51qkEHZwtxL. AC SL1000 51E6JA6qwIL. AC SL1000 51ewxfXxwzL. AC SL1000 51rRt76cOOL. AC SL1000 51RQ IcFNKL. AC SL1000 61IllWzJK L. AC SL1500 61pD5I6qonL. AC SL1500 51h0HTezbIL. AC SL1500 41oCvfYsryL. AC SL1500 313OnmuM6kL. AC SL1500 31DKelyYrQL. AC SL1500
Price: £29.49
(as of Oct 20,2024 15:21:10 UTC – Product Description


 soldeing Multifunctional applications soldering Product detail



Butane Gas soldering iron set accessory for professinals: Cordless gas soldering iron is a powerful kit that heats up rapidly in 10 seconds and provides up to 30 minutes of battery life. Small, portable to fit in your pocket or toolbox. and compact electronic repair tool with 10-Piece accessory set to use in a wide range of applications in 3D Finish,Shrink to heat,Thermal cutting,Welding,etc.
Easy One-button start: It can instant heating faster than an electric soldering iron. To turn on the gas valve, then press the ignition button, the units will light up instantly and the heating chamber will glow with a warm orange flame.Attachment is good accessories to use in a wide scanrinio.
Adjustable temperature: adjustable flame control – super easy to adjust the flame and heat, allowing you to control the amount of heat applied to the object. The temperature adjustable, the welding temperature is 200 ℃ ~ 500 ℃ and the flame temperature can reach 1300 ℃.
Filling: Before filling with normal butane gas for lighter, the gas soldering iron must have cooled to room temperature.Set the gas volume setting to OFF.Use only filtered 100% butane gas.Turn the bottle with the gas connection nozzle upPlace the butane gas nozzle with the appropriate adapter on the gas soldering iron and press the gas tank against the iron. Stop filling as soon as the gas escapes from the nozzle.
Security Flame Lock for Safety : Upgraded designed with security lock and ignition switch for safety, pre-tested for leakage and ignition capability, Plus 100% Metal refillable fuel tank will last longer and comes with a handy carrying case. (Attention – butane is NOT included)

Reviewer: To soft . Absolutely no good for clips of any sort . Save your money
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Handy
Review: Really handy iron

Reviewer: TIM S.
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: The box it comes in is simply a display case only.
Review: The tool itself is awesome, the case is just for display and once you have assembled the tool your left with a bunch of soldering tips and a sponge can etc etc that will have to get a separate metal box to store it all in including the soldering iron. The other problem is the box is plastic and melted after storing the iron away with the Protective cap

Reviewer: Craig Simpson
Rating: 1.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Missing items
Review: Got delivered but no items

Reviewer: TB
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Great portable soldering iron
Review: Gas soldering irons are useful when away from mains electricity, and I use for my RC models and to automotive repairs. The description implies its suitable for repairing electronics, but I would say they are unsuitable for that kind of work, as the heat is less determinable at the supplied soldering tip isn’t ideal for that type of work.Its powerful enough for soldering larger wires, such as 10AWG, though you have to protect it from the wind.It comes supplied in a decent plastic case, with other bits such as a hot knife and a very useful deflector which is great for applying heatshrink when out in the field, and a cleaning sponge, some solder and so on.It uses standard cigarette lighter fluid for gas, and is filled in the same way as standard lighters.It is a bit fiddly to light – move gas to about the middle, press and hold the child lock, press and hold the ignitor, then once lit, move the continuous flame switch.I wish it has a clear section in the handle so you could see how much fuel is remaining in the unit, as the only other way to tell is to shake the unit and listen, which isn’t in any way remotely accurate. My previous gas torch had a clear section and it was very useful.At the current price point, it represents great value if you need a gas torch/iron when away from mains electric.

Reviewer: Customer Review
Rating: 1.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Mine didn’t work
Review: Looked good but unfortunately the gas wouldn’t light, The gas soldering iron sparked but won’t light and you can’t hear any hiss when turned on to try to light.Amazon do offer a quick refund for faulty goods.

Reviewer: Ray
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Gas iron
Review: This unit works well

Reviewer: The Homemade Man
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Un saldatore a gas non troppo dissimile da modelli di marchi famosi, senza fare nomi, Dremel.Lontano anni luce dalla qualità di un Weller, ma anche il prezzo è molto diverso.Alcuni particolari sembrano fragili, come il tasto di sicurezza e il cursore di accensione piezoelettrica, ma alla prova dei fatti, dopo un certo periodo d’uso, non ho rilevato problemi.La ricarica sembra non andare mai a buon fine perché inizia subito ad uscira gas. È un problema che ho riscontrato anche con altri modelli di altre marche (non con Weller però). In realtà la ricarica è velocissima e il saldatore, quando esce il gas, è carico. Non dura un’eternità, ma non è fatto per lavori molto lunghi.Diciamo che il funzionamento generale non si discosta dal Dremel già citato.Buona dotazione di accessori e pratica custodia.Non può sostituire un saldatore elettrico, ma è un toccasana quando l’elettricità manca

Reviewer: Philippe B.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: J’ai reçu ce produit gratuitement via le programme du club des testeurs Vine, et que je ne suis pas rémunéré pour le noter.L’évaluation est le reflet de mon ressenti lors du déballage, du montage, du test et de son utilisation au quotidien, et n’engage que moi.La boite contient un fer à souder à gaz et ses accessoires, panes, éponge, fil de soudure, …Le fer est livré vide sans gaz.J’ai pris cet ensemble pour pouvoir bricoler en faisant de la soudure ou réduire de la gaine thermo dans des endroits peu pratiques ou accessibles, pour travailler dans la voiture ou sur la moto, ou sur des petits éléments électriques (DIY).Dans l’ensemble je suis satisfait, il est efficace et pratique.Bien pour de la soudure de composants sur une platine ou refaire une soudure sèche, ou pour du câble, pour l’électronique de précision ce n’est pas ce modèle que vous allez choisir.Le temps de chauffe est correct, en moins d’une minute la pane est en température.Il faut bien entendu attendre que le fer soit froid pour le ranger dans sa boite !

Reviewer: Jose Antonio & family
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Nos ha llegado este soldador a gas con multiples funciones ya que nos sirve como un soldador de estaño para trabajos electricos y electronicos ( pero no microelectronica), pero tambien como un decapador, un moldeador de plasticos, etc., por lo que es muy practico para su uso por parte de electricistas, mantenedores, manualidades, modelismo, etc e incluso para abocardar tubos de muy pequeño diametro por parte de fontaneros ( siempre tubos por debajo de los 20 mm, ya sean de pvc o polietileno)Su uso es muy sencillo, lo 1º es llenarlo de gas!!! ya que por cuestiones de trasnporte viene vacio. Para ello compras una pequeña bombona de las que se llenan los mecheros, y lo llenas a tope. Luego simplemente apretando el boton y tirando hacia tras el encendedor este enciende, ya que el encendido es piezoelectrico, con lo cual no es ni necesario ni un mechero para encenderlo.Antes habrás tenido que ver que quieres hacer con el, ya que dependiendo de como lo vas a usar, vas poniendo o quitando los adaptadores que trae ya sea para calentar el “hierro” de soldadura, o para usar el soplete…. Puedes regular el caudal de gas con un caudalimetro para dar mas o menos temperatura.Este aparato lo conozco muy bien ya que tengo otro que compre en el lidl y es el mismo que este, aunque he de reconocer que en el lidl salió algo mas economico, pero es exactamente el mismo, y va muy bien para todas esas funciones que tiene y que si lo tienes le daras muchas mas funciones de las que puedes pensar. Por ejemplo el ultimo uso que le hemos dado ha sido usarlo como un soplete para calentar un tornillo oxidado de un cuerpo de agua de un calentador, para que este dilate y sea facil luego retirarlo.

Reviewer: Zobelina
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Ich verlege öfter mal neue Lichtkabel an diversen Fahrrädern. Die Flachstecker befestige ich mit einer Crimpzange, die aber idealerweise mit Schrumpfschläuchen isoliert werden sollten. Kabeverbindungen abe ich bisher meistens durch Zusammenzwirbeln abisolierten Kabelenden hergestellt und mit Isolierband umwickelt. Das hält natürlich nicht ewig zusammen.Beinahe hätte ich mir einen billigen Heißluftfön gekauft, um endlich mal Schrumpfschläuche an den Flachssteckern und Kabelverbindungen anzubringen. Aber dieser Miniatur-Gaslötkolben kann noch mehr: Damit lassen sich Kabel ordentlich zusammelöten (Lötzinn liegt bei) und auch mit dem beiliegenden Aufstecker die Schrumpfschläuche anbringen. Vor Inbetriebnahme muss man sich allerdings noch eine Kartusche mit Feuerzeuggas besorgen und den Gaslötkolben auffüllen, was ich nicht ohne Gasverlust hingekriegt habe. Auch die erste Inbetriebnahme ist etwas aufregend, aber dann wirklich kein Problem. Es ist ja nur ein kleines Gerät und viel kann nicht passieren. Aber gerade durch die kleine Größe und die Kabellosigkeit ist es sehr einfach und angenehm, damit zu arbeiten. Perfket also für kleine Elektroarbeiten!

Reviewer: Zarwik
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Bon petit kit de soudure pour débuter en électronique.Complet.Bon rapport qualité prix.Je recommande

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Product Description


 soldeing Multifunctional applications soldering Product detail



Butane Gas soldering iron set accessory for professinals: Cordless gas soldering iron is a powerful kit that heats up rapidly in 10 seconds and provides up to 30 minutes of battery life. Small, portable to fit in your pocket or toolbox. and compact electronic repair tool with 10-Piece accessory set to use in a wide range of applications in 3D Finish,Shrink to heat,Thermal cutting,Welding,etc.
Easy One-button start: It can instant heating faster than an electric soldering iron. To turn on the gas valve, then press the ignition button, the units will light up instantly and the heating chamber will glow with a warm orange flame.Attachment is good accessories to use in a wide scanrinio.
Adjustable temperature: adjustable flame control – super easy to adjust the flame and heat, allowing you to control the amount of heat applied to the object. The temperature adjustable, the welding temperature is 200 ℃ ~ 500 ℃ and the flame temperature can reach 1300 ℃.
Filling: Before filling with normal butane gas for lighter, the gas soldering iron must have cooled to room temperature.Set the gas volume setting to OFF.Use only filtered 100% butane gas.Turn the bottle with the gas connection nozzle upPlace the butane gas nozzle with the appropriate adapter on the gas soldering iron and press the gas tank against the iron. Stop filling as soon as the gas escapes from the nozzle.
Security Flame Lock for Safety : Upgraded designed with security lock and ignition switch for safety, pre-tested for leakage and ignition capability, Plus 100% Metal refillable fuel tank will last longer and comes with a handy carrying case. (Attention – butane is NOT included)