Logitech G X56 H.O.T.A.S Throttle and Joystick Flight Simulator Game Controller, 6 Dregrees of Freedom, 4 Spring Options, +189 Programmable Controls, RGB Lighting, 2x USB, PC – Black

Price: £189.99
(as of Jul 10,2024 19:41:25 UTC –

6 Degrees of Freedom: 6DoF are the six degrees of freedom – pitch, roll, yaw, backwards, forwards, up, down, left and right – that all need to be accounted for with unique precision
VR-Ready: With an immense number and sensitivity of controls, X56 is ideal for head-mounted displays (HMD) and VR gaming. Put on a headset and grab onto X56 for endless adventure
Customisable RGB: X56 supplies the heroic environment you need for the best experience. Edit the full-spectrum RGB lighting to your liking with feature-rich software found at the link below
Adjustable Accuracy: Combination of contact-free Hall effect sensors within the 16-bit aileron and elevator axis, and the adjustable spring tensioning system gives X56 an high level of sensitivity
Independent Twin Throttles: The innovative twin throttles are ideal for dual-engine spacecraft and aircraft, and even more ideal for flight battle situations
System requirements Windows(11,10,8.1,7), 2xUSB 2.0 Port


Reviewer: Michael M
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: On a Highway to the Danger Zone
Review: This is a really good mid-level Hotas setup. Perfect for a variety of games. I’ve put in a good few hours across titles such as Elite Dangerous, IL2 Sturmovik: Great Battles, DCS World and more recently MS Flight Sim 2020. I have no real issues with any of these titles. Buttons have been easily remapped and I’ve been truly immersed in the world of being an average at best pilot :-)I’m not sure if since Logitech took over, the build quality has improved, but I’ve not noticed anything negative. Everything is still working and as it should be after a few hundred hours of use. The unit is made from plastic, but I’ve found it has a good feel and stays in position on my desk during those intense dogfights. The USB cable are also long enough that I can store both the stock and throttle unit on a shelf above my desk, when not it use.I can also confirm, for the arcade loving flyers out there, that the X56 now works with Ace Combat 7. Buttons cannot be as easily remapped for this title, but the default binds are more than serviceable.One thing I will say, this stick probably lends itself more to those with larger hands. Thankfully, as an over 6ft3 user, I’ve not personally had any issue; with my thumbs being able to reach all hats and buttons across the top of the stick. I can imagine people with smaller paws may find their hand being quite strained after a sustained session, particularly if they are also using the flight stick for rudder control, rather than using separate pedals.p.s. I’ve had very few conflicts between this unit and non-flight related games, with the exception of Dark Souls 2; in which having the Hotas connected makes the player character run in a circle. I mean, why wouldn’t it make that game harder!

Reviewer: Riverdaisy
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: A Very Different Beast Since LogiTech Took Over Saitek.
Review: I wanted to buy a HOTAS for use in DCS World on Steam, the excellent Combat Flight Sim. The best tutorials come from youtube performed by Grimreapers. The instructor uses a Saitek X-56 Rhino HOTAS and tells you how to map out the most important controls onto your HOTAS for each aircraft. I therefore searched Amazon to buy the Saitek X-56 Rhino, but none were on sale. However, the reviews for this HOTAS complained of the flimsy switches and poor/weak build quality by Saitek. I then found that the X-56 Rhino can be bought, but this time it is made by Logitech. I purchased it and it arrived the very next day with PRIME. I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised by the excellent build quality of the two parts (Throttle Section/Stick Section). They are heavy, robust and very high quality. The switches, everything built just the way one would expect for that price. All keys, switches, wheels, 4-point switches, etc very easy to map. Even the back-lights (LED) can be customised in any colour or shade you would like. Only one slight criticism though, there are no instructions for assembly. I was slightly confused as three spare stick springs come with the package. I wondered how I was to fit them. However, after watching an assembly tutorial on youtube (not by Logitech) I found they were simply spares of differing strength/stiffness for you to customize your stick to your liking. The standard spring was already fitted and the stick simply screws onto it’s base with that spring. Also, it is not explained in the packaging that there is a Logitech website to visit and download software for testing and tweaking the settings on your HOTAS. A slight grumble for an excellent piece of kit.

Reviewer: John D. Booth
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Excellent product, with minor irritations.
Review: I’ve been a fan of the X-series HOTAS setups since my first experience with the X35 that plugged into a gameport and the keyboard socket. I’d worked my way up to an X52 when Madcatz bought Saitek and everything leaped gleefully aboard the handbasket to you-know-where. The software ossified and the build quality tanked. My pre-Madcatz X52 was pretty much on its last legs and I was seriously considering other brands when Logitech stepped up and took the product line in hand. I gave ’em a bit of burn-in time while barely keeping my X52 working but it was eventually time to get off the dime and replace it.The X56 fits my (admittedly larger-than-average) hands as well as the X52 ever did. Its build quality is at least on a par with its predecessor that enabled me to keep playing through the years when I wouldn’t have touched a new Saitek-branded-but-Madcatz-built unit with a bargepole. Its ergonomics suit ME almost perfectly (more about the “almost” below) but I would recommend that anyone contemplating buying one get their actual hands on one at least once before forking over the dough, so that they know how it might fit them. If this actually fits your hands you’ll be in a good place with it.The two units are power-hungry. There’s no getting away from that. Plug them into a powered hub and your experience will be smoother. Good USB3.0 hubs with ample power to spare are affordable enough that there’s no reason to NOT use one, so this doesn’t even qualify as a nitpick against the X56.However, there are some aspects that do qualify as nitpicks.On the stick: – The spring on the twist(yaw) axis is a little too stiff for my taste. Coupled with the ergonomics of the stick layout, this can potentially lead to your fingers (middle and ring particularly) cramping up after a prolonged flight session. – Button A should stand a bit prouder than it does. As it sits right now, it is hard to activate that button without nudging at least one of the three hatswitches. – The witch-hat and castle (H1 and H2) could do with a little more space between them or a differential in height to prevent catching the high points of the castle while using the witch-hat.On the throttle: – The scroll control on the left of the throttle needs to either be a 360-degree relative control, like every other scroll wheel in the universe, or not be a scroll control. Relative controls like scroll should never have a min and max position.In the software: – If you’re going to let us assign curves to any axis, let us do it for ALL of them, including the rotaries and thumbsticks, not just the major ones.These are all really minor gripes, but together they are what cost this product its fifth star from me.

Reviewer: Roberto
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Funzionalità e PrestazioniUtilizzando il Logitech G X56 H.O.T.A.S., ho scoperto che offre un controllo avanzato con sei gradi di libertà (6DoF), che includono pitch, roll, yaw, movimento avanti, indietro, su e giù. I mini stick analogici aggiungono ulteriori assi di controllo, rendendo il dispositivo ideale sia per simulazioni spaziali complesse che per il volo atmosferico, permettendo un’esperienza di gioco altamente immersiva e realistica.Vantaggi • Configurabilità Estesa: Con 189 controlli programmabili, tra cui 31 pulsanti, 5 hat switch e numerosi dial e switch, posso personalizzare il dispositivo per adattarlo alle mie esigenze di simulazione, utilizzando il software incluso. • Versatilità delle Molle: Le quattro molle intercambiabili mi permettono di regolare la tensione del joystick, adattandosi perfettamente alle diverse preferenze di controllo e ai vari tipi di aeromobili. Le molle con tensione più bassa sono ideali per i velivoli più piccoli, mentre quelle con tensione più alta sono perfette per quelli più grandi. • Design e Estetica: Il design moderno con illuminazione RGB personalizzabile crea un ambiente di gioco visivamente accattivante. Ho potuto abbinare l’illuminazione alla mia configurazione di gioco per un look davvero unico.Svantaggi • Qualità Costruttiva: Anche se il dispositivo è robusto, è realizzato principalmente in plastica, con solo alcune parti in metallo. Ho notato che il dispositivo può sembrare leggero e le ventose incluse non sempre garantiscono una stabilità perfetta durante l’uso intenso, soprattutto se non fissato saldamente alla scrivania. • Problemi di Drift: Ho riscontrato problemi di drift sia nel joystick che nei mini stick analogici. Per migliorare la precisione, è stato necessario impostare delle dead zones nel software. • Assenza di Detent Centrale: Il throttle non dispone di un detent centrale, complicando il passaggio tra spinta avanti e indietro. Ho dovuto fare movimenti aggiuntivi per essere preciso nel cambio di direzione della spinta.Esperienza UtenteUtilizzando il Logitech G X56 in combinazione con i pedali rudder Logitech, ho trovato che migliora significativamente l’esperienza di simulazione di volo su Microsoft Flight Simulator. Questo setup completo mi ha permesso di godere di un’esperienza di volo immersiva e realistica.ConclusioneIl Logitech G X56 H.O.T.A.S. è un dispositivo versatile e altamente configurabile, perfetto sia per principianti che per piloti virtuali esperti. Offre un ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo, specialmente se confrontato con alternative più costose. Nonostante alcuni piccoli difetti, come la qualità costruttiva e i problemi di drift, il Logitech G X56 è sicuramente un’opzione da considerare per chi cerca un sistema H.O.T.A.S. completo per i simulatori di volo e di spazio.In sintesi, se stai cercando un sistema H.O.T.A.S. che offra una vasta gamma di controlli e personalizzazioni per migliorare la tua esperienza di simulazione, il Logitech G X56 è un’ottima scelta.

Reviewer: Bryalsab
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Heel tevreden met aankoop alles werkt naar behoren

Reviewer: Niklas dahlberg
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Leveransen var super snabb och produkten motsvarar våra förväntningar!

Reviewer: TAKEOVER
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: En remplacement de mon x52, j’ai longtemps hésité entre le wartog et le X56 et je ne suis pas déçu de mon choix (x56).- La prise en main est moins évidente que le x 52, mais une fois maîtrisé, c’est que du bonheur.- Produit de qualité et agréable à voir.- La matière plastique est de très bonne facture.- L’option RGB est vraiment cool.- Beaucoup d’optionnalités.- Les bases du manche et throttle sont plus large que le x52 et donne un coté plus stable.- Les boutons sont de bonnes factures et solide.- Possibilité de changer le ressort du manche pour régler la résistance.- L’application M3 de logitech est simple et fonctionnel.- Contrairement au WArthog, le X56 possède un axe X (donc pas besoin d’acheter un palonnier)- Pour les problèmes de Ghosting connu du x56, je vous conseil de brancher la base sur une prise USB 3.0 directement sur la carte mère (cela a réglé tous mes problèmes.)- l’ergonomie du manche est moins pratique, mais offre de grande possibilité.Je conseille sans aucune hésitation.

Reviewer: PC Gamer
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Hallo Zusammen,ich schreibe normalerweise keine Rezensionen, musste aber hier wg der vielen unterschiedlichen Meinungen zum X56 (insb Vorgängermodell von Saitek) ein kurzes Review verfassen. Ich habe den Hotas seit ca 30 Std in Betrieb für Elite Dangerous. Im Vergleich zum Vorgänger wurden lt Logitech einige Verbesserungen in der Fertigung / Qualität umgesetzt (insbesondere für die Zentrierung der Twist Achse ):”An improved manufacturing method for the spring on the twist axis to prevent early wear and improve centering of the twist. Tooling updates to further assist with the centering of the twist (plus fit and finish improvements elsewhere)A new wiring harness for the twist axis in the stick and improved soldering process that prevents twist axis failures”.Praxiserfahrung bis jetzt:+++Verarbeitung super, alle Schalter / Achsen funktionieren einwandfrei, keine störgeräusche etcThrottle ist wirklich sehr schwergängig, kann leicht mit einem Drehrad angepasst werden, ich habe mich aber nach ca 2 std daran gewöhnt – man muss wissen, das man den throttle gut am Tisch befestigen sollte, durch den schweren weg kann er sich bewegen…Drehregler & Panel Switch Buttons am Hotas eignen sich super für diverse Zoomfuntionen / Funktionsbelegungen (zB Sensorzoom via Drehregler, Fahrwerk via Switch…)Stickachsen und Zentrierung funktionieren einwandfrei, Twistachse ist recht schwergängig.Zum Joystick an sich: Er ist für recht grosse Hände gemacht, nutze die mitgelieferte Ballenablage und komme so an alle Hat & POVs recht gut dran.Software / Treiber funktionieren unter Win10 problemlos, Stick/Throttle wird aber auch ohne Softwarepackage sofort von Win10 erkannt (2 separate USB Geräte).Habe Stick & Hotas an USB 3 Anschluss an der Front meines Rechners angeschlossen (direkte Mainboardanschlüsse) und keinerlei Ghosting Inputs etc gehabt.Ich kann den Stick jedem Elite Dangerous Flieger empfehlen…

6 Degrees of Freedom: 6DoF are the six degrees of freedom – pitch, roll, yaw, backwards, forwards, up, down, left and right – that all need to be accounted for with unique precision
VR-Ready: With an immense number and sensitivity of controls, X56 is ideal for head-mounted displays (HMD) and VR gaming. Put on a headset and grab onto X56 for endless adventure
Customisable RGB: X56 supplies the heroic environment you need for the best experience. Edit the full-spectrum RGB lighting to your liking with feature-rich software found at the link below
Adjustable Accuracy: Combination of contact-free Hall effect sensors within the 16-bit aileron and elevator axis, and the adjustable spring tensioning system gives X56 an high level of sensitivity
Independent Twin Throttles: The innovative twin throttles are ideal for dual-engine spacecraft and aircraft, and even more ideal for flight battle situations
System requirements Windows(11,10,8.1,7), 2xUSB 2.0 Port