3M Foldable Earmuff 90563E, Ear Defender with soft cushions for comfortable fit, Adjustable Headband for multiple head sizes, For noise levels range 94-105 dB, black

Price: £32.78
(as of Aug 01,2024 11:02:04 UTC – From the manufacturer

About us

There’s so much we could say when we are asked about our company – but let’s keep things simple. We are a science-based technology company that is committed to improving lives and doing business in the right way. And we love applying our science to creating products that, in big ways and small, make things better in some way. Helping people to be safe. Making them more productive. Protecting their health. Safeguarding the environment. We are relentless in our pursuit of solutions to our customers’ problems – one third of our revenues come from products that didn’t exist five years ago. At 3M, honesty, integrity and the ability to work as part of a team contribute to a culture that is founded on curiosity, problem-solving and collaboration. We work tirelessly to deliver our vision: 3M technology advancing every company. 3M products enhancing every home. 3M innovation improving every life.

Conveniently folds away when not in use for space-saving storage
Protection level: reduces noise levels by 30.4 dB and can be used at noise levels from 94 to 105 dB, allowing a wide range of applications
Soft, wide pads reduce pressure around the ears and increase comfort
The flexible and adjustable padded headband is suitable for a wide range of head sizes

Reviewer: Here’s our thoughts
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Cost effective – Excellent reduction – Comfortable
Review: 3M being a leading brand name in ear protection and PPE for years and years. The quality of these is easy to see even though they are very basic in their function they are extremely comfortable and will cater to a number of different size heads and fittings. Obviously these are completely passive so you can’t adjust the noise attenuation but it does a fantastic job at massively reducing louder volumes far less noticeable levels. If you work in a noisy environments you will have properly specified PPE but if you just occasionally visit a noisy environment these will be ideal for protecting your hearing.

Reviewer: Nick Mercedes
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Comfortable and reduce noise effectively
Review: The compact earmuffs unfurl easily. They snuggly fit over my ears and are comfortable to wear for prolonged periods. I have used them for an hour solid whilst garden shredding. I felt the pressure of wearing them as they are designed to maintain the seal to protect my hearing. The cushioning on the muffs made this a comfortable pressure rather than an intolerable one. The head band also has a cushioned band to protect the head and offer comfort. The noise is reduced but not illuminated. The muffs take the edge off the noise. I can still hear talking but the dull drone of the machine is reduced. I think these muffs offer good protection and are well made. They are worth the asking price of £11.92.

Reviewer: Mr. P. L. Lawrence
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Takes the edge off loud environments
Review: We go to a church that has contemporary worship. That means a modern band with guitars, bass, drums, keyboards, amplifiers mixing desk, lighting and very loud. I love this but my sensitive ears can not always cope so these ear defenders have been just the job in taking the edge off the sound. I can still hear the music, but it is no longer uncomfortable. When the music stops the ear defenders come off. Perfect. Do I feel self-conscious, well I did a bit to start with, but in a crowd of hundreds every week, I really do not mind anymore. They do the job, could look a little bit more fashionable, but I am happy with them. They are not designed to block all sound but to reduce sound and that is exactly what I needed.

Reviewer: Mrs S
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Good for the price
Review: I’d call these noise muffleling rather than noise cancelling but they work for what that is going to be used for.They cover the ear completely and the headband stretches to size. My normal sized head fits fine!They’re quite tight but you need them to be fairly tight so they won’t fall off!Very good quality at this price (£13 at time of review) and I’m happy to recommend them. I think this is a good price for these.

Reviewer: EvilOrc
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Brilliant, exactly what my kid needs
Review: My 10 year old son hates loud sounds, he’s been not comfortable with loud noises since baby. He recently started to attend football matches with his grandad and enjoyed them immensely apart from the loud noise. This ear defending headset is perfect for him. It protects his ears from loud noises and he can enjoy watching live football. This set fits him just fine (I tried it on too and it feels me too as it’s adjustable) Godsend for us. Highly recommended

Reviewer: Simon Phipps
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Excellent ear-defenders
Review: These are in some ways the standard against which other ear-defenders need measuring, given the quality associated with the 3M brand. These are a tight fit as the head-band does not extend, so the fit depends on the cups swinging into position and then being pressed in place by the metal headband. But they work very well indeed for me despite a large hat-size and they certainly give the impression of that 30dB protection claimed. They also fold small easily, again due to the swing-hinge on the cups, making them easy to fit in a site bag/box. Definitely recommended.

Reviewer: Sarah Faichney
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Very happy with these!
Review: 3M is a brand to trust and these earmuffs are no exception. They look good, do the job and are great value for money. Ideal for anyone with sensory issues or for any, and all, ear defending needs. I’m very happy with them.

Reviewer: Amanda Memari
Rating: 1.0 out of 5 stars
Title: Is bad
Review: It don’t work it does drown out the sound for my autistic child

Reviewer: Aurélie Mantyk
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Très efficace. A noter qu’il ne supprime pas complètement le son mais il l’atténue énormément et moi qui habite en ville alors que j’ai beaucoup de mal avec le bruit, je le trouve très utile

Reviewer: Client d’Amazon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Très bon produit.

Reviewer: Cliente Amazon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Sono comodi ed abbattono i rumori in modo efficace

Reviewer: Pol Requena Martos
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Me compre los cascos de protección auditiva porque cuando iba a ver MotoGP me molestaba en exceso el ruido de las motos, hasta el punto de provocarme dolor de cabeza intenso y pitidos constantes. Estuve revisando varias opciones y me decanté por este casco de protección, pues, no puedo estar más contento.Me considero una persona que baraja las diferentes opciones de compra en exceso y va a por la mejor opción, pues, esta compra ha sido de 10, no podría estar más contento.Hice varias pruebas:1. Me puse un altavoz potente al máximo de volumen a 30cm de la oreja (pero al máximo máximo de volumen…). Sin cascos de protección, era un sonido extremadamente molesto e inaguantable por más de 2 minutos sin volverte loco. Con los cascos, se puede soportar durante horas.2. En el circuito de montmeló, viendo motogp, el sonido de las motos los atenúa una EXAGERACIÓN, pero una exageración. Para mi, que voy muy recurrentemente, es indispensable llevarlos y hace que hasta resulte agradable escuchar el ruido de los motores. Ya no tengo dolores de cabeza ni nada. Si a parte, combinas dichos cascos de protección con tapones para los oídos, el ruido se reduce bastante más.3. Me los dejé en casa para hacer vida normal: Cuando pican al timbre de casa, me cuesta escucharlo pero lo escucho. El extractor de la cocina lo escucho muy muy ligeramente estando este al máximo. Conversaciones se escuchan bastante atenuadas, pero se escuchan.PROS:-Atenúa una exageración sonidos estridentes, constantes y graves.-Hace que sonidos inaguantables por más de 15min se soporten perfectamente durante horas.-Se ven de muy buena calidad y robustos, pues, si se me caen al suelo o los mancho de tierra o sudor se podría limpiar fácilmente.-Se adaptan a mi cabezón bien, apretándome ligeramente pero soportable durante horas.-Con gafas de vista / de sol se pueden utilizar perfectamente.-Considero que no abultan en exceso y nadie se fijará en exceso en ti por como quedan (ver fotos adjuntas a review).- Falso cuero de las almohadillas extremadamente resistente.- Diadema resistente.- Ligeros / normales de peso. Para nada pesados.CONTRAS:-La diadema no es regulable pero se adapta sin problemas a mi cabezón.-Son “feos/normales” de decoración, sin más. No es para ir a un desfile de moda (ver fotos adjuntas a review).-A un niño pequeño le iría grande el casco de protección y NO es regulable. No lo recomiendo para este público.-Es cierto que sonidos esporádicos y agudos (vasos que se caen al suelo, conversaciones, pitidos puntuales) parece que los atenúa menos, del tipo de frecuencias muy altas (agudos), pero no es para nada un problema (era algo que me preocupaba y para nada es un problema..).CONCLUSIÓN:Compradlos sí o sí, no puedo estar más contento, de verdad, es por un tema de salud auditiva y son 15-20 euros que valen la pena al 100%.(A toda esta explicación dada, comentaros que mi oído es perfecto, pues no es que escuche menos de normal de por si y por eso esté encantado con la compra 😉 ).

Reviewer: K.
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Review: Der 3M Gehörschutz hat mich von Anfang an beeindruckt und ist zu einem unverzichtbaren Begleiter in meinem Alltag geworden. Als jemand, der regelmäßig in lauten Umgebungen arbeitet und unterwegs ist, war ich auf der Suche nach einem verlässlichen Gehörschutz, der meinen Ohren optimalen Schutz bietet. Der 3M Gehörschutz hat sich als die perfekte Lösung erwiesen und meine Erwartungen in jeder Hinsicht erfüllt.Ein großer Vorteil dieses Gehörschutzes ist sein einfaches, aber effektives Design. Er ist leicht, gut verarbeitet und äußerst benutzerfreundlich. Das Aufsetzen und Anpassen geht schnell und mühelos, was besonders wichtig ist, wenn es schnell gehen muss.Der Tragekomfort des 3M Gehörschutzes verdient besondere Anerkennung. Die weichen Ohrpolster und der verstellbare Bügel sorgen dafür, dass der Gehörschutz bequem über längere Zeiträume getragen werden kann, ohne Druckstellen oder Unannehmlichkeiten zu verursachen. Dies ist für mich als jemanden, der den Gehörschutz stundenlang trägt, von unschätzbarem Wert.Die Dämpfungsleistung dieses Gehörschutzes ist hervorragend. Egal, ob ich mich auf einer lauten Baustelle befinde, Konzerte besuche oder in einer lauten Umgebung arbeite, der 3M Gehörschutz reduziert den Lärm auf ein angenehmes und sicheres Maß, ohne die Klangqualität zu beeinträchtigen. Meine Ohren sind geschützt, und ich kann dennoch die notwendigen Geräusche wahrnehmen.Die Portabilität des 3M Gehörschutzes ist ein weiterer Pluspunkt. Er ist kompakt und leicht, passt problemlos in meine Tasche und ist immer einsatzbereit, wenn ich ihn benötige.Insgesamt kann ich den 3M Gehörschutz uneingeschränkt empfehlen. Er bietet hervorragenden Schutz, außergewöhnlichen Tragekomfort und ist äußerst benutzerfreundlich. Wenn Sie nach einem verlässlichen Gehörschutz suchen, der Ihre Erwartungen erfüllt, dann ist der 3M Gehörschutz die beste Wahl. Dieses Produkt hat mich voll und ganz überzeugt, und ich bin äußerst zufrieden damit.

From the manufacturer

About us

There’s so much we could say when we are asked about our company – but let’s keep things simple. We are a science-based technology company that is committed to improving lives and doing business in the right way. And we love applying our science to creating products that, in big ways and small, make things better in some way. Helping people to be safe. Making them more productive. Protecting their health. Safeguarding the environment. We are relentless in our pursuit of solutions to our customers’ problems – one third of our revenues come from products that didn’t exist five years ago. At 3M, honesty, integrity and the ability to work as part of a team contribute to a culture that is founded on curiosity, problem-solving and collaboration. We work tirelessly to deliver our vision: 3M technology advancing every company. 3M products enhancing every home. 3M innovation improving every life.

Conveniently folds away when not in use for space-saving storage
Protection level: reduces noise levels by 30.4 dB and can be used at noise levels from 94 to 105 dB, allowing a wide range of applications
Soft, wide pads reduce pressure around the ears and increase comfort
The flexible and adjustable padded headband is suitable for a wide range of head sizes